At Holy Trinity, we value the spirit and vibrancy youth bring to our community and ministry. We love to see young leaders develop and grow in their faith and years. If you are a parent or are between the ages of 8 and 18, we encourage you to check out the programs below. We are looking forward to seeing you at the next event.

Click on the Diocesan Schedule below to see more about diocesan events and registrations.


We are excited to announce a new Youth Group specifically for grades 3-5 called EpiscoPALS. This group will meet Sunday mornings at the same time as Godly Play for their lesson. This group will also be invited to join in other parish-wide Youth events such as the Pancake Supper, Youth at Segra Stadium, Spaghetti Night, to name just a few. Please watch for more information and the announcement of their first meeting.


Acolytes – Each week, our youth help with the 10:30 Sunday worship at Holy Trinity, serving as acolytes and carrying crosses, torches, flags, and banners. Training is provided.

Youth Ushers – Two youth ushers serve each Sunday morning at the 10:30 service, greeting worshippers, handing out bulletins, and collecting offerings during the offertory.

Bread Baking – Youth are welcome to participate in our bread baking ministry.  Throughout the year, bakers work to make the whole wheat wafers we use at the 10:30 Sunday services.



is a loving, welcoming, and fun place for youth ages 11-18 to learn more about themselves and deepen their Christian faith. Youth@HT participates in activities on Sunday evenings and exciting and meaningful special events. From worship and study to mission work and fun outings, Youth@HT strives to make our group a place where everyone can participate in something meaningful and share experiences that will last a lifetime.
